But do I know enough stuff to write a book about Crafty TV Writing?
I've been starting to poke about at writing up a few web pages about the subject, a la my original Crafty Screenwriting website that grew into a book. Thing is I find myself not having so much to say.
Not to say I haven't read books about TV writing that have even less to say. The density of actual information in screenwriting books seems none too high.
I s'pose I could pick at this blog a bit and put stuff together. Or at the voluminous correspondence I filed away during the show under "Show Diary," to be boiled down into actual publishable (as opposed to actionable) information.
It's funny -- it takes a long time to learn how to write TV, but it isn't clear that there is actually that much you can put into words. What would a book on being a Roman Centurion have about fighting? Most of it would be about how to keep your boots dry, I guess.