Reading a little further into the Jerry Springer book, here's what I pick up:
a. It's all the producers. Jerry's the personality. The producers do all the work finding the -- I wanna say contestants -- guests. He finds out what the show is about five minutes before the show. Literally. Interesting.
b. It was Universal's idea to show the fights. Originally they were edited out.
c. It was the exec producer's idea to keep the Jerry Springer name, and the show topic, in the frame throughout the show, so you always know what you're watching. Their goal was to have a show you'd find compelling with the sound off.
d. I guess what the guests are looking for is approval. The guy who goes on Jerry Springer's show to let everyone in the world know he has sex with his horse is hoping that when his secret is out, people will still love him, and he won't be carrying around this secret. I suspect that what really happens is he loses almost all his friends. But I don't think it's about seeking fame or notoriety. I think it's about approval.