Went to the Summer Solstice Camping Event of the Barony of the Dragon Dormant. Alas, we had to leave as the sun was getting low and the lutes were coming out. I have a feeling the bonfire will be superb.
Especially since they brought along a few heretics to burn. For realism.
Actually, while we were there, a few people were wearing garb, but acting forsoothly? Not so much. And this is the second or third time I've been to a Society for Creative Anachronism event where people were basically hanging out in medievalish clothes they made themselves, talking about whatever.
Theoretically, the idea is that every one in the SCA has a persona, and dresses accordingly, and role plays that persona while in garb at an SCA event. Which ought to be fun, since some of them are 15th Century corsairs and a few are Roman Centurions. I have no idea how this works, because I've never seen it happen.
I've been told the Berkeley SCA guys are The Real Thing, and speak forsoothly to each other, and magic happens. But then, people tell tales about Berkeley as if it is the real Magic Kingdom.
Possibly the SCA is just where stick jocks get to pound on each other in home made armor.
But just as in high school, I always felt that the magic was happening Just Around the Corner, I have this persistent feeling that somewhere there is an SCA event where Magic Is Afoot.
I've been at Wiccan events where magic happened. I've been in a couple of live role playing games where I could suspend my disbelief, notably Scott Martin's Imperial Rome game, where we were all in the court of Octavian, jockeying for power, and because no one was allowed to kill anyone, the game was all talk and no rules, and therefore, as much like an evening in the Roman Imperial Court as one could summon up in an evening.
Ah well. One of these days, perhaps, I'll get to go to the Current Middle Ages...
Labels: games