Is Rove being hung out to dry? The White House is
pointedly not saying anything in support.
"Did Karl Rove commit a crime?'' a reporter asked McClellan.
''This is a question relating to an ongoing investigation,'' McClellan replied.
Yeah, that's not going to be good enough. In Québec we say, understating, "Je ne lui donnerais pas absolution sans confession": "I wouldn't give him absolution without confession."
Rove, meanwhile, is continuing with the Clintonian evasions:
''I didn't know her name and didn't leak her name,'' Rove said last year.
That's true. He leaked the phrase "Joseph Wilson's wife." I guess it depends on what the meaning of the word "is" is.
I would think that if Rove really did not want to go that there's no way the administration could get rid of him (er, without employing some people from unofficial parts of the intelligence community...)
Think of how much dirt the guy must know. Think of how much dirt the guy was involved in that never got fully pinned down. He could come right out and say that he was behind the racist attacks on John McCain in 2000 and that G.W. knew about it.
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