This site seems pretty impressive until you sift through the doubletalk. Can anyone convince me that the "Screenwriters Federation of America" (previously, misleadingly dubbed the "Screenwriter's Guild of America") is not a bunch of guys without meaningful credits supporting themselves by taking advantage of wanna-be screenwriters?
A very slick and pretty site. Nowhere does it list who they are, and it is very unclear what you actually get for your hundreds of dollars in membership fees. Nice (he said with much sarcasm).
Also misusing "literally." Scripts get to the screen as a result of maybe ten decisions, tops:
a. reader
b. development exec
c. her boss, a production exec
d. head of production co
e. director
f. star
g. head of studio.
Whoops, no, that's seven decisions.
Wait a minute! There's standards in this business?!!! How come nobody told me?
(said with equal sarcasm to Fun Joel - I have to maintain standards don't I?)
Or is that..."sarcasm equal to Fun Joel's?"
English - what a language!
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