The meetings at this market are going brilliantly. Had a terrific meeting with a couple of extremely intelligent execs who showed by their comments that they really knew what I was pitching. They could see its flaws quite clearly, and sent me along with my work cut out for me. That means they took the time to understand my project, and could see the show, both as they'd like it and as I've put it on paper. I take that as a very good sign.
On another project, based on Lisa's book, there was some doubt, until the producer I was meeting came up with the very government program that will enable us to shoot a demo episode FREE. Which, even if the tv show didn't go, would still make a very good electronic press kit for the book -- something to show booksellers and to air on BookTV.
Now off to dinner with my agents, and then a big party thrown by the good people whose network air
Charlie Jade.
It's all good...
Labels: this little piggy went to market