Lisa and I drove from East Hampton to Montreal tonight, an ungodly long trip, but we got a lot of work done on
Exposure. Car trips are the best for talking over the show, issues like tone and character. Somehow the road gives just enough distraction to free up the mind, while being stuck where you can't putter or actually write helps you focus on thinking. Lisa came up with a ton of premises -- she has a lot more insight, clearly, into being a 15 year old girl -- and we refined them and reworked them and made them into stories. It will take a day or two to work back into the written pitch but then I think we'll have a much more interesting show than we did, richer and more solid; and it was a good show before.
I would like to avoid taking any long car trips in the immediate future, but they sure are good for the creativity, if you have the write partner on board. In my case, I'm the structure guy and she's the one brimming with Things That Could Happen. With bad chemistry, a writing partnership can be hellish, but with the right one, it's like a great marriage. (In this case, of course, it actually is a great marriage...)