[POLITICS] In today's
Times, conservative columnist David Brooks suggests:
all legislation should be posted online for 72 hours before the vote.
This is brilliant. Imagine if the people had a chance to comment on legislation
before it got voted on. Imagine if the crazy field of bloggers, thousands of them, had 72 hours to smoke out the pork. Nothing quite as tasty as smoked pork.
To keep it simple, one could require that no new earmarks (goodies for specific companies and districts) be added after the posting; only trims would be allowed.
Of course our representatives will hate the idea and claim it's unwieldy, but we ought to demand it. Democracy in action, people. Accept no substitutes.
Seems like a great idea to me. I do write my Senators on a regular basis (don't know if they actually read it), but I'm certainly interested in the idea enough to let them know I support it. Anything to trim down the big machine.
From documentaries I've seen, the Senators and all just pass or reject the stuff but they don't actually READ it.
No more apparently than TV Execs read TV scripts.
Maybe they get their interns or wives to weed through the stuff or just listen to Letterman.
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