Lisa's new blog
How to Buy Art, is now open for business. She's blogging about the art market, naturally, and you can ask her questions, too.
By the way, the title for the book will be
The Intrepid Collector. "Marc in MD," you came closest -- please email us your shipping address for when the book comes out!
BTW, thanks to all who helped think of possible titles for the book. The publisher's working title is now The Intrepid Collector.
Marc in MD came closest in the previous book-naming contest. Thanks, Marc! Let me know if you want that copy of the book when it comes out.
I absolutely love that new title. It's snappy and fun, and it promises to reveal tricks and secrets of the trade. I wish you much success with the book, Lisa, and will bookmark your blog, for when I need your advice (I'm an interior decorator).
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