Here's another review of my new book:
Crafty TV Writing: Thinking Inside the Box by Alex Epstein (Owl Books) Many how-to writing books begin by looking at the larger picture. Some encourage you to try aromatherapy and (I'm not kidding) to eat more vegetables. These tips won't make you a better writer. But the first chapter in Alex Epstein's second book will. First, Epstein reveals the hidden structure of a great TV series. From there he homes in on great episode ideas, basic TV script writing, rewriting and comedy. Next he offers an insider perspective of working in TV land. You'll learn how to prepare to be a TV writer, how to break in, how to get hired, how to get promoted, and finally, how to create your own show. The back of the book offers several resources, including pay scales, samples, contests, a glossary and review of two major screenplay formatting programs. In this book, Epstein proves that, in addition to being a veteran TV writer and show creator, he's a funny and skilled reference writer, too.
Well, that's pretty snazzy. Thank you,
Writers Digest!
My copy arrived from Amazon today. Looking forward to it!
Ordered mine from Amazon a few days ago, hasn't shown up yet, dying to read it, the first book was brilliant and very inspirational.
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