Showrunner and author Lee Goldberg says the
best possible thing a fellow can say about another fellow's book:
Alex Epstein's CRAFTY TV WRITING is a terrific new book full of great advice about the craft of episodic writing and insights into the business of television (and I'm not just saying that because he quotes liberally from me and this blog). If I didn't have a book of my own, SUCCESSFUL TELEVISION WRITING, to recommend, this is the one I'd tell every aspiring TV writer to buy.
As you might expect from someone who's run shows, Lee has many other smart and useful things to say in his book and his blog; check'em out. Lee's book and the WGA brochure
Writing for Episodic TV were the two books I read down in Cape Town when I was running the
Charlie Jade writing room. I got Lee's book by download, through Amazon.
Thanks, Lee!
I finally bought the book at Chapters yesterday, Alex, where it's a couple of bucks cheaper than Amazon. I look forward to reading it and learning all kinds of neat stuff.
KJC (who really loves the crisp-looking cover with a title that we helped pick out)
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