You can now buy your very own
WGA strike swag! All profits go to the strike fund. I think this is a much more effective way to support the strike than not watching TV (unless you are actually a Nielsen family, in which case, please TiVo everything and wait at least 3 days).
Stylistically I prefer the awesome WGAw On Strike shirt you get for actually picketing, which I'll post a picture of as soon as I can find my dad's digital camera. This one seems a little off message? But I'm sure the schwag site will have more fun stuff. They just ran out of the "No Justice. No scripts" wrist bands but I'm sure there'll be more soon.
My general impression of the past few weeks is that it took actually going out on strike for people to have enough time and attention to start crafting the writers' message. But hey. It took Pearl Harbor to get the US focused on beating the fascists. And then we built 100,000 airplanes.
Labels: guild, strike