Q. Where did you do your research for Bon Cop/ Bad Cop? Did you read books, go online, or did you hang out with real cops? I need to better understand police procedure and investigation (specifically in relation to how they go about identifying dead bodies...) and I do not have access to anyone who is a cop.
You think I did research???
In a big popcorn movie like BON COP BAD COP, police procedure is not really the point. I mean, we had the guys locking the Hockey Commissioner in the trunk. To the degree there was police procedure, it was straight out of LAW & ORDER. And it wasn't a very high degree.
If you're looking for accuracy, there are many, many books. I own a nice book on forensic entomology, for example, that tells you all about the different bugs that feed off corpses, and when they arrive.
A quick look at Amazon, googling for "police procedure," brings the fine book featured in this post: POLICE PROCEDURE AND INVESTIGATION, A GUIDE FOR WRITERS. Why, I think I might buy it myself.
Books! Yes, remember books? Useful things. Obtainable at libraries and online. Oh, and at stores.
You don't need a cop to organize a ride-along, by the way. Most police departments have public relations officers or information officers who will be happy to put you in a squad car. They want you to get it right, and they want you to understand what cops go through. Just call the (non-emergency) number for your local police officer and tell them you're a screenwriter working on a cop story, and who can you talk to about a ride-along.
Labels: books, craft, reading