After three weeks in the story room, I ended up with some pretty dark white boards. My brilliant assistant explained that paint thinner wipes dry erase marker right off. Awesome, Webs, thanks!
UPDATE: Whaledawg recommends nail polish remover, but I suspect that's a lot more expensive per ounce than the pint of paint thinner I got at the hardware store.
Also, I occasionally need to thin paint, while I have never had to remove nail polish.
Dry erase markers are acetone based, so any other acetone containing chemical will 're-wet' it so it can be wiped up.
I've actually never run into a board that warm water and vinegar couldn't clean.
I meant to mention that nail polish remover also contains acetone, and may be easier to come by than paint thinner.
Lighter fluid might be worth a try too. It's a pretty good mess-removing solvent to have around, even if it doesn't work for this application.
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