RA Porter has posted a fun
interview with Michael Filipowich, who played O1 Boxer so well in CHARLIE JADE. Michael is either a genius or insane or both.
There was so much going on in Gamma that you didn’t see…in Freudian terms higher self - Gamma; lower self - Alpha; mask - Beta. It’s like when a man goes out to an S&M club, gets loaded, things get out of hand, but has self awareness and a mission, and a longing…days later he stumbles home…his clean wife his adoring obedient children.
Interesting you [compare my character to] Daffy because Looney Tunes were a big inspiration for 01. In episode 14 when I sneak up on Julius I improv the line - “come into my shop let me cut your mop, it’s free”, Looney Tunes Barber of Seville…wow man you got it. So I don’t think that you were seeing the actor but definitely the character…Daffy was a template. In episode 10 maybe where I beat a dude down…I put a lot of cartoonish moves in which were mostly cut out…but there is this like weird little step thing that I do. (ed: It was actually ep 11, “Thicker Than Water”)
Also that one scene where I paint a road on the side of a cliff and walk right through but then fall, but as I’m falling I pull out my cell and order a huge umbrella from acme which gets delivered to me while I am still in the air and I open it and safely float to the ground but then a Vexcor anvil falls on my head and my teeth become piano keys.
Labels: Charlie Jade
"Poor Alex Epstein. . ."
Definitely my favorite quote in the interview.
Yeah. I sat on the interview for almost two weeks and that line kept cracking me up.
And now I want to hear Alex riff on the collaboration between writer, producer, director and actor to create the televised presentation of a character.
What do you want to know, Lex?
Honestly, I have no idea. I really just got so excited reading that interview that I got a little carried away there (looking back, at that last comment, it sounds a little rude to me now). Just the whole dynamic (not the particular one with Michael Filipowich but with any actor, producer, director, etc.) sounded like something interesting to hear about.
But now I remember reading DMc riff about that dynamic in terms of his writing for Blood Ties and how professional the actors were there. That might be worthwhile to check out again, on my part, to get my fix.
If I can come up with any particular questions, though, I'll definitely ask.
I'll probably talk about that some on the podcast for #16.
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