I went to
Le Reliquaire, Dann Godin's monthly (francophone) gathering of game designers on the top floor of L'Amère A Boire, a brewpub on St. Denis. As a show business guy, I'm fascinated by the game industry. It's in a ferment. Sure, companies are hiring and the business is expanding like mad. But it is also a very young industry where people are still trying to figure out what games can do. (Who could have predicted Farmville would have 60 million users?)
So they give talks. In the game industry, it seems like your Powerpoint skillz are pretty crucial. I'm giving a talk in November at the Montreal International Game Summit; it'll be the first time I've ever given a Powerpoint presentation. (In showbiz, we're still doing dry erase.) That's an actual professional people pay money for. But even for this monthly drink-a-thon, a guy got up and gave a 15 minute powerpoint about virtual worlds and criteria for evaluating them. And then people asked questions, and responded. And then some more people got up and gave their 5 minute powerpoints on how certain virtual worlds needed improvement.
I'm impressed with the seriousness of the game community. I can get showbiz people out to drink together, but presentations?
Labels: games