Final Draft is cutting its price through its affiliates program, and since this blog is an affiliate, you can have FD8 for $50 off.
Some people swear by Screenwriter. I swear at Screenwriter, and prefer Final Draft. So there you go.
Labels: software
I guess I'm a cheapo. I prefer Celtx. I've used it for a few years, and the MFA program at UBC switched to recommending Celtx recently.
I found that Final Draft really did not do anything that Celtx couldn't, so when I changed from PC to Mac, I decided not to spend the cash for a new version.
I personally despise Celtx. Opposite to James I only started with Celtx when I switched to Mac and can not wait to buy Final Draft again (when finances permit).
I actually go back to my old PC solely for screenwriting in the interim.
PS - maybe I'm not looking hard enough but is there an affiliate link I should be seeing?
I'll check it out.
Use the code on the banner (FDAP2011, I think it reads).
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