This time last year, Lisa was very very pregnant and we were sitting in front of the fire wondering what the baby would be like. We knew she was a girl, but we had no idea what she'd be like. You can only tell so much from kicking!
Now Jesse Anne is almost a year old. She's taken a few steps on her own, and she's just started to try to say words. She has the most wonderful personality of any baby I've ever met. I wonder what someone so delighted to be alive will grow up into. I never thought I would be so lucky.
It has been a terrific year. It started in pain and stress professionally, but that got more or less put to bed. I had a great summer in South Africa, and now I'm working on a screenplay I'm delighted with. I've got interest in one of my TV pitches, and I've got another pitch all but polished. I've also got a book proposal I think will sell. Lisa's really learned how to work on a story with me. She has good ideas and good criticisms. (Some of them are
great ideas.)
Lisa sold her book proposal ...
Hunter's had a terrific year at school and has really blossomed as a person, and my relationship with him is all I could have hoped for...
My marriage is all I ever wanted from a relationship: love and friendship and passion and a few other things that are none of your business ...
The Goddess has been good to us this year.
Thank you, Goddess!
I hope your last year has been as good, and if not, I hope this year will be.