Since so many people are linking to my
Ophelia is Pregnant page, it seems like the best (or easiest) way to get a meme out. So I just put up
A Modest Proposal for how to take the partisanship, corruption and gerrymandering out of US Congressional redistricting. Maybe people will get the message, who knows?
It didn't do much for my screenplay, but maybe it will do some good for the body politic.
It's a still a mitzvah even if it accomplishes nothing, isn't it?
As we like to say to those who do mitzvahs:
yasher koach!
Fun Joel (a fellow screenwriter, etc)
[joelhaber [at] Y! dotcom]
Looking forward to your next book... I have read and re-read and re-read your first one ofcourse !
Really love this blog !!!
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