You don't see many o'those, what with all the phone calls, but today I got a lot done. Revised Chapter Three of the book. Wrote up my interviews with Jordan Craig and Graham Falk of
Untalkative Bunny fame. And, most importantly, wrote up a pitch for a magazine-type TV show based on Lisa's book. Her book just naturally turns itself into one of those shelter porn TV shows, or at least it did once I realized it wanted to. So we spent the day banging out a pitch, which my Toronto agent loves. Having a TV show coming out alongside her book would make a nice synergy, don't you think?
Tomorrow I'm revising my notes on how I'd rewrite a script I've been asked to rewrite. The notes go to Telefilm, which will hopefully then fund the rewrite. This is how scripts get rewritten here in Canada, in case you're wondering. Rarely do producers dip into their own pockets for rewrites. The gummint funds them. I seem to have made it onto the list of Telefilm approved writers, which is something like being on the Network Approved gravy train, but in dollarettes. It means producers come to
Also broke the back of a comic horror fantasy movie I've had on the backburner. I'll write up that pitch soon as I'm done with the rewrite proposal.
much more useful today...
Less productive. I, on the other hand, woke up +/- 7a.m., made it to my computer to turn on a market that continually disappoints, have 12 of the largest banks in the world annoyed with me, and worse, there really aren't any deals for me to get involved in. Unfortunately I can still afford my television, so I killed my creativity for another day. But the idea is simmering, I'm pregnant with it, and a while longer and it should come out. It's an embryo, the foundation of the idea is in place, but the limbs and fingers, i.e. the characters, are as yet left to be formed. But they will be... Still trying to figure out how I'd pitch this project to HBO vs a regular network. I never blog either, am I doing this correctly, blabbity blab blab?
Yeah, those productive days are to be treasured. I had a good one of those on Sunday. Hopefully another one tomorrow. We'll see! :-) Keep it up Alex!
I, too, had an extraordinarily productive day, Alex. Actually this entire week has been one of my best, creatively speaking, since early January.
While the synopsis, main/recurring characters and other details for the series I'm currently pitching to Canadian prodcos has been solidified and refined after nine years in development (what can I say, I'm a perfectionist), all that remained was to write up the episode synopses for the show's expected four year run. Most of those details have been kicking around in my head for years but it wasn't until this week that I actually decided to sit down at my computer and write them all down.
I've stayed up until 4am every morning this week, banging on my keyboard like a demon. I'm so IN THE ZONE that I haven't eaten or slept much since last Sunday.
Today, I took a short break only to read Alex's always awesome and informative blog, and now I feel compelled to get back to work. Cesare Borgia, second-in-command of the Illuminati, has just kidnapped the teenage lead of my series and is about to torture her, just for fun. Gotta go!
where is this interview??
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