I just watched the new trailer for
Robert Zemeckis's new BEOWULF movie, written by Roger Avary and Neil Gaiman.
... oooh. I am afraid that it does not look specifically too good. The trailer has a distinct videogame look and, er, so does the acting. I didn't go see THE POLAR EXPRESS because the animation looked awful (and it didn't look like it had a plot); this looks like that animation, but with equally wooden live characters.
I'll grant you Angelina Jolie does look sexy with a tail (okay a pigtail), but the hero looks like he's been directed by Uwe Böll.
Granted not everything Neil touches turns to gold... oh, all right, I'll probably go see it. But then I'll need a lot of Laphroiag.
Hurley's anyone?
Before the movie?
Labels: watching movies
Polar Express 2.0
Robert Zemeckis has always been suspect with me. He's had some big hits, but nearly all of them have not fared as well upon further review. Plus I'll never forgive him for defending the trailers that basically show the entire movie.
As for Beowulf, I agree, there's something off. I don't know why Zemeckis is so obsessed with this animation.
Oh, and Angelina Jolie has a ponytail with an apparent life of it's own. Not a tail. Take a closer look.
I'm a big Robert Zemeckis fan. I don't blame him for NORTH.
You know why?
Because he didn't have anything to do with North. Rob Reiner directed NORTH, and Alan Zweibel wrote it.
Oopsie. My bad!
Thanks for the catch.
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