Q. Is there a reputable service you could recommend for sending queries (e.g., equerydirect, etc.)
Gosh, you kids just want everything done for you, don't you?
I can't recommend a service; though readers are welcome to chime in with their experiences. I was assuming that people would glean email addresses from the Hollywood Representation Directory (or the WGA website) or the Hollywood Creative Directory. (In Canada, the WGC website for agents, and the Telefilm site for producers.) Then they would send off individual, personalized queries to individual agents or producers.
That might be a small bit of work. I realize that a bot could do it faster. But back in my day, we had no bots. We had to master Mail Merge in Word Perfect 3.0. And let us not even speak of the prior generation, who had to use typewriters to write letters
one by one. (For those of you unfamiliar with the technology, I am including a small picture of a typewriter. I have actually used them.)
Okay, I am being a little snippy here. I am a little ways into a bottle of Big House Red, having turned in everything I need to turn in on my pay cable series. (I'm hoping that the resveratrol will keep me young. Or something.) But seriously ... I can't imagine anyone responding to a query if it's not personalized. That tends to rule out a service right there, I think. Doesn't it?
Labels: breaking in, spec features