I was about to have my hero find his brother's old photos, and then I realized, his brother's under 30, he probably doesn't
have photos. Not a bunch of printed out ones. I haven't printed out a photo in a few years.
Lisa pointed out that the entire ending of THE SILENCE OF THE LAMBS would have been pretty short if Jodie Foster had a smart phone.
On the other hand, thank goodness for cell phones. Your hero doesn't have to sit still when he calls, he can be running around somewhere calling. And thanks to Caller ID, we no longer have to hear, "Hello?" "Hi, it's Joe."
Yeah, I've started taking pictures on 35mm again recently just because I realized, what with hard drive failures and generally poor decisions otherwise, I'll very likely have nothing to show my kids of my life in twenty years. Now I've got a nice little collection covering the last two or so years.
Your hero's brother might have old photos if they were taken 10 or more years ago...
Somehow, scrolling through thumbnails on Flickr or Shutterfly doesn't seem as dramatic.
I was watching Silence of the Lambs a few weeks ago and couldn't figure out why Jodie Foster didn't use her cell phone when she got stuck in that storage unit with the pickled head.
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