I finished
1491. I'd recommend this book to anyone. It really gets you thinking about pre-Contact (or pre-Impact) American culture. The author makes a compelling case that most of the "primeval" forests in both North and South America that seemed so bounteous to the Europeans were in fact tree farms: the Haudenosee (Iroquois), for example, planted hickory trees everywhere, and did their best to hunt out all the animals that ate hickory nuts. The author also suggests that the massive herds of bison and swarms of passenger pigeons the Euros saw were
not natural; they were population explosions after disease wiped out 95% of their principal predators, i.e. man.
There are interesting implications for the notion of "wildlife." I.e. if we are trying to restore the natural parks to their "primeval" condition, are we trying to restore them to a merely pre-Contact state or to a pre-human state? Because the case is made that pre-Contact, most of the American wilderness was carefully managed through controlled use of fire (creating the prairies and keeping down forest underbrush in the East) and hunting.
I'm not an anthropologist and I'm sure there are more caveats to this claim than the author put in his book. But the book is a real eye-opener.
Hey Alex,
Have you read 'Guns, Germs and Steel' by Jared Diamond? If you enjoyed 1491, you may enjoy this one. The central conceit of the book is that human cultures have been shaped by their environment and have in turn those cultures have shaped their environment. e.g. the nomadic lifestyles of the Koori and their particular kind of fish farming etc.
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