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Friday, May 19, 2006

/* Spoilers */

I tried to watch the finale. I really tried. But come on. Izzy clips the LVAD, putting Denny in a death spiral. You have got to be joking. What doctor would do that? What other doctor, no matter how friendly, no matter how "family," would ever allow someone to do that? Stealing a heart from someone who needs it by making your patient worse off -- whatever happened to "First, do no harm"?

And Burke behaving like a girl because Cristina fell asleep on him? Taking it personally? He ought to know something about female physiology by now, no?

And ... oh, I didn't even get to see this because I could not stand watching the show, it was just too stupid. But the girls put on a prom at the hospital to placate a teenage patient. You have GOT to be joking. I'm dyin' heah.

I don't mind when shows stretch credibility. But there has to be a little plausibility. A bazooka shell in some idiot who built one? Okay, it's unrealistic but it's close enough to other idiotic things that real people do that I'll forgive it as a stand-in. The writers could probably have come up with something more credible but they didn't.

But I feel that Grey's Anatomy is becoming the O.C. of doctor shows. Shonda Rhimes doesn't trust her core cast to be interesting enough as they are. She seems to feel she has to bring in plots that belong more properly to other shows. Bomb squads. Fugitives from justice. Guns. And yet their core cast would be quite interesting. Izzy's feelings over giving up her daughter for adoption. George's feelings about being smarter than his family. Those were interesting territories. I wish we'd get more of those.

I wonder if both Rhimes and Schwartz being first time showrunners has anything to do with it?


I'm not sure how I feel about your post today. I was on board for Season 1 of Grey's and quickly realized what kind of show it was going to be. I was disappointed, but gave it the freshman benefit of the doubt. As the season progressed, I tuned out and didn't look back, that is until the last couple episodes of Season 2. I enjoyed the finale. Not because it is anything different than what you stated. But, almost in spite of it. The show is a nice respite from reality. A respite with Dempsey and O'Donnell, no less. The show has flaws, to be sure, but at the end of the Season 2 finale, I told myself I would tune in for the Junior Year. However, that was before it was announced it is going head to head with CSI and Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip... My new plan is to get TiVo and spend more time outside, while episodes pile up. Then, when I have a day off, it will be a marathon of a series, which is my favorite way to watch anyway. I recently posted about the Grey's G-Force on my blog...

By Blogger Scribe LA, at 8:59 PM  

It's funny because as a writer I agree with everything you say. Grew up in a medical household. A doctor would never cut the cord...no matter how much she loved the guy. But as a woman and avid tv fan, I just love this show. It may be sentimental, and even schmaltzy but I know about ten different women between 21 and 35 who used up a whole lotta tissues and are anxiously awaiting next season. Not sure what these writers have captured but it's something very different than what we've been getting in other dramas.

By Blogger Hollie Nell, at 6:39 AM  

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